Twitter and YinyURL combined in one. Neat!
[tags: Twitter, tinyurl, Commentary]
5.7 Billion API calls per month. That's a lot of calls! When you build an API for the web you need to be prepared to scale - really scale!
Quoted: keeps you up to date with web mashups and APIs: what's new, interesting, useful and important. Hundreds of mashups and APIs. Contribute, search, view, and chart them.
[tags: web, Commentary]
Facebook is trampling all over our carefully constructed online personae.
I expect that many of the digerati have public and personal web personae. When a social network like Facebook comes along and connects the two - without permission - they have definitely over stepped the limits of what is acceptable.
Of course, this raises interesting questions for OpenSocial as well. Can this situation occur amongst OpenSocially connected sites?
[tags: it, web, google, social, Social Network, Commentary]
Mogolus is a fascinating site. Become a TV producer - from anywhere.
I really need to experiment with video.
[tags: it, video, Commentary]
Interviewing the father of the Web. That should make for an interesting 15 minutes.
[tags: web, it, blogs, Commentary]
Dave Winer raises an interesting issue. If you develop an API interface - don't shoot for perfection! Once you have released your API in to the wild and it has been adopted by others then you need to preserve bugs and idiosyncrasies in the code.
Eliminating bugs in an API can introduce unexpected consequences that can break applications.
In a way I suppose this points to the fact that we should keep our APIs as simple as possible. The more feature rich, the greater the risk of issues.
[tags: it, news, Commentary]
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