Wednesday, January 28, 2009

HealthCampDc 2009 is a go

It has been a busy start to the year but I have finally dropped things in place to run the next HealthCampDc on Friday February 27th. Once again the event takes place at the DC offices of CareFirst. The address is 840 First St NE, Washington DC, 20002. The offices are close to Union Station so in the interests of being environmentally friendly (and less vehicular storage challenged) I urge you to consider using public transport.

There are a limited number of places available at this event and last year's event got some great feedback so sign up quickly and help to shape the agenda for the event. As a barcamp style event you will be an active participant in defining what is discussed at the sessions held that day.

If you haven't attended a HealthCamp or BarCamp you may be wondering what this is about. HealthCamp is about joining in a conversation and stimulating action that will transform HealthCare.

One of the enduring guides for HealthCamp comes from the Health 2.0 definition that TedEytan evolved with his readership on his blog.

Health 2.0 is participatory healthcare. Enabled by information, software, and community that we collect or create, we the patients can be effective partners in our own healthcare, and we the people can participate in reshaping the health system itself.

How do you sign up?

We have made it simpler this year. An eventbrite page has been setup. You can find it at

CareFirst are the facilities sponsor for the event. The attendees at last year's event were very complimentary about the location and facilities. This year we will have an extra room available to give us more flexibility in hosting sessions.

The event is just a few weeks away so sign up quickly and spread the word!

I look forward to seeing you at HealthCampDc for some fascinating discussions about how we can transform HealthCare. It is a very timely event since the new President and his administration has HealthCare targeted as one of their top three agenda items.

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