Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Open Mobile Health Exchange: A Microsyntax.org Project - /Message

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November 03, 2009

Open Mobile Health Exchange: A Microsyntax.org Project

I am happy to announce that Alan Viars will be heading up a new project for Microsyntax.org, called Open Mobile Health Exchange:

via www.microsyntax.org

OMHE (Open Mobile Health Exchange), pronounced “ooommm” is an open-source microsyntax for medical devices, and other “short text capable” systems. OMHE is used for sending blood pressure, blood glucose, weight, step-per-day, pain levels, and other common information often sent between people and their health care provider. It’s designed to be easily typed on a mobile phone, while at the same time, easy for machines (i.e. computer, applications) to understand. Although OMHE is simple enough for manual human entry, its not always necessarily typed directly by humans. For example, many applications may present the user (human) with a graphical user interface (GUI), but still use OMHE as the underlying data format. OMHE can also be used for “machine-to-machine” communication. For example, OMHE is an output message format suited for medical devices such as pedometers, blood glucose meters, and blood pressure meters, weight scales, and other hardware.

I think OMHE is a good indicator of how machines in the future will be communicating with us, and each other, via microsyntax.

For more information, please refer to the OHME project.




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For those of you at HealthCampMd in June you will remember that Alan Viars announced OMHE as one of our Lightning Talks. It is great to see this project being picked up under Stowe's Microsyntax initiative.

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