The stream is on Twitter using the hashtag: #tedxsv
I am sitting here watching a live broadcast from TEDxSV via uStream along with nearly 1,000 other people. If you question the future of Television, as I do, then you realize that the power to broadcast is now in the hands of the consumer.
The major TV channels do have the power of captive audiences but the recent move in the USA to digital broadcasting potentially created a strategic disruption that is causing consumers to look at alternatives to the traditional over the air, cable or satellite delivered programming.
Yes, the Internet is the future of broadcasting. We can expect a mix of live and on-demand content from a seemingly infinite cache. At Le Web this week it was pointed out that users are uploading 24 hours of video to YouTube EVERY MINUTE!
Great content will still rule the day but the barriers to creating and more importantly distributing that content keep coming down. More than anything this is one of the big messages I am taking away from watching the live uStream from TEDxSV. We have the power to make change happen. This message keeps being driven home for me when I look back at the past 18 months and the grass roots movement that is HealthCamp.
HealthCamp has grown through the power of Social Media. This is a quick video highlighting how this happened: