More notes from the Health 3.0 Conference in Orlando. Mike Gonzales works at Kaiser Permanente out of Colorado. He works in Employer Health & Wellness which is part of Population and Prevention Services. Electronic Medical Record (EMR) integration seen through the eyes of a member, physician and employer. Leading causes of death in USA are:
1. Heart disease
2. Cancer
3. Stroke
4. Chronic low respiratory disease Leading behavioral causes of death in USA are: 1. Smoking
2. Obesity and inactivity
3. Alcohol
4. Motor vehicles Lessons: - No point in screening for risks if you don't connect the screened to the next step in changing behavior or get treatment.
- Focus screenings: Fasting Lipid panel and blood glucose, blood pressure. Assess risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes - Tobacco use and Body Mass Index.
- Integrate testing to the EMR - Do Framingham cardiovascular risk calculation
1. Heart disease
2. Cancer
3. Stroke
4. Chronic low respiratory disease Leading behavioral causes of death in USA are: 1. Smoking
2. Obesity and inactivity
3. Alcohol
4. Motor vehicles Lessons: - No point in screening for risks if you don't connect the screened to the next step in changing behavior or get treatment.
- Focus screenings: Fasting Lipid panel and blood glucose, blood pressure. Assess risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes - Tobacco use and Body Mass Index.
- Integrate testing to the EMR - Do Framingham cardiovascular risk calculation