Friday, March 12, 2010

#whccic John Bigalke - Deloitte talking on Innovation and Creativity - survive and prosper in an uncertain health economy

More real-time notes from World Health Care Congress Innovation Congress

John Bigalke: People define innovation differently.

What does Innovation mean given where Health Care is in its life cycle.

Innovation and Creativity - A Recipe to Survive and Prosper in an uncertain health economy

AND should be OR - survival is very different mindset from prospering.

Economy should be the 3 E's Economy, Environment and Ecosystem.

Think Differently!

John showed organizational characteristics with two halves of the life cycle [Editor Note: I think he missed the 3rd half - The declining period]

Innovation is trying something people have not done before.

A disruptive innovator has nothing to lose. Once they get a market they have something to lose. Then they reach the drive to sustain/tweak/survive. The core of the HealthCare industry is in the sustain mode.

- HealthCare is Stagnant
- ROI is difficult to measure
- Focus is on the legacy needs of the constituents
- Unable to influence the behavior of others in the system

Elements of Reform: More than the congressional legislation
There is already reform taking place at the state level. ICD-10 is underway. ARRA is kicking in.
Private employers are pushing initiatives (Editor: eg. Dossia)
Medicare implementing Episodic payments in 2013.

4 tiers of investment going on:

1. Health IT (1. e-prescribing 2.fraud detection 3.. administrative simplification 4. care coordination)
2. Comparitive effectiveness (personalized medicine, bundled payments,3. Primary Care 2.0
4. Consumerism

Check out and check out industry landscape. A complex diagram that maps drivers, obstacles and enablers and this creates convergence opportunities.


- risk
- embedded interests

The key elements of reform are:
1. Consumerism
2. Comparaitive Effectiveness
3. Coordination of Care
4. Health Care IT

Expanding the horizons of care:
- Medical Tourism
- Retail Clinics
- Remote Monitoring/Smart Homes
- Mobile Technology
- Virtual Visits

States will have to change. They are dealing with many different issues that are inter connected.
The Wellness view "Wholistic"The most appropriate conversations happen at the point of care. Accountable Care Organizations are emerging and will be influential.
Data is a gold mine. The greatest asset that is not on the payer's balance sheet.Social Media - progressive organizations are embracing social media. Most in the industry have an inside-out view. But Web 2.0 is about the engaged individual.

The iPhone as the newest competitor. [Editor: amen to that - Africa runs rings around us in the use of SMS Text on the simplest phones.

The future requires us to be flexible. in order to handle uncertainty.

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