Tuesday, September 07, 2010

#hcsd10 Palm 3 Track 4 - What's working and What's not in mHealth

Sean Vacellaros - Ignite Health leading a session at HealthCamp San Diego on what is working and what is not working in mHealth.

Here are some realtime notes from the session...

Aetna have an app for Medical Cards. The iPhone App provides a simple medical card that can be show to providers.

What works in HealthCare:

- ID and Eligibility
- Transfer of Information
- Geo-Location
- Edu-tainment
- Drug interactions and other tools such as PillBox, PillPhone (for dosage compliance)
- Information

For Physicians:
- Formularies
- Transcription
- Disease Management
- Sensing and Tracking
- iStethoscope
- Drug Guide 
- 5 Minute Clinical Consult
- Medical Dictionary

Clinical Trials


Incentive Programs
Geo incentives (e.g Foursquare)

13-18 year olds - Don't use email. But they have phones with them at all times.
Points are big. Social Gaming comes in to play.

We have to incentivize the Physicians and clinicians. We need filters.

Doctors in Emergency Care. 10% or less of patients are invested in their own health. 

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