For me and many others “lose weight” isn’t just a New Year’s Day resolution, it’s an every single morning one. But yeah, there’s nothing like a crashing boozy halt to a December spent scarfing crappy chocolates and piling on the gravy to make you feel like you should hit the gym, especially after hitting the scales.
A simple service created by Kevin Morrill, textWeight holds you to your New Year’s weight loss vows by sending you a reminder text at 8am every morning, to which you reply (on the honor system) with your weight. textWeight then creates a graph of your weight loss progress, so you can measure every pound lost towards your goal over time.
While sites like,, and all try to solve a similar problem, I’ve yet to see anything so simple focusing on weight loss. And true that 8am wake up text is way harsh, but Morrill is working on time adjustment features as well as other ways of scaling the project.
Users with less fortitude can also stop recieving texts any time by sending “stop” as a reply to any textWeight message or clicking the stop button on the website graph. I just signed up to receive my first annoying text tomorrow. I can’t, um, weight.
A simple solution to the eternal weight loss challenge. Check out