I am traveling to Orlando to take part in a panel discussion at the World Health Care Congress Health Plan Innovation conference. The panel is moderated by Sherri Dorfman. I was originally supposed to be representing One of the regional Blues Plans but I am no longer with them. Instead I am taking a break to get the HealthCamp Foundation, a non-profit organization, launched before settling on a new opportunity in health care. It has long been an objective to create a non-profit foundation that can support the regional organizers of HealthCamps. The http://healthca.mp site is taking shape and a number of HealthCamps are being planned in 2011. None of those HealthCamps would be possible without the support of people like: - @mjchatter - my co-founder of the foundation.
- Gregg Masters (@2healthguru and moderator for healthcamp radio, http://healthca.mp/radio and http://healthcamp.tv)
- Matthew Browning of yournurseison.com, a tireless promoter of HealthCamps and one of the lead organizers for HealthCampCt@Yale on 4/2/11 (http://healthca.mp/ct) along win Joe Cerro (@cerro)
- Danielle Cass (@daniellecass and the Kaiser Permanente team who are sponsoring HealthCamps in San Diego: http://healthcampsandiego.org, Washington DC: http://healthca.mp/dc and San Francisco: http://HealthCampSFBay.com.
- Matthew Holt and the Health 2.0 Conference team who are regular sponsors of HealthCamp events. While in Orlando, I will be doing some planning with Local organizers for a HealthCampFlorida. Watch http://healthca.mp/calendar for the date of this event. It will be great to talk with people from various health plans about Innovation and member/consumer engagement. HealthCamps are focused on promoting engagement in health and seeks to involve people from across and outside health care - including patients. I continue to be excited by the transformation opportunities in health care. I am convinced that this will be driven by a convergence of web, mobile and social technologies and services. HealthCamps are at the nexus of this discussion. Generating ideas and stimulating action. If you are in Orlando from 3/16-3/18 cone and look me up. If you can't make that meet me in San Diego between 3/20 and 3/22. I will be at HealthCamp San Diego and the health 2.0 Spring Fling or meet me in New Haven, CT for HealthCampCT@Yale on 4/2/11. If you are an innovator talk to me about sponsoring HealthCamp. You will be glad you did.
Mark Scrimshire
B: http://ekive.blogspot.com
....Sent from my iPhone
- Gregg Masters (@2healthguru and moderator for healthcamp radio, http://healthca.mp/radio and http://healthcamp.tv)
- Matthew Browning of yournurseison.com, a tireless promoter of HealthCamps and one of the lead organizers for HealthCampCt@Yale on 4/2/11 (http://healthca.mp/ct) along win Joe Cerro (@cerro)
- Danielle Cass (@daniellecass and the Kaiser Permanente team who are sponsoring HealthCamps in San Diego: http://healthcampsandiego.org, Washington DC: http://healthca.mp/dc and San Francisco: http://HealthCampSFBay.com.
- Matthew Holt and the Health 2.0 Conference team who are regular sponsors of HealthCamp events. While in Orlando, I will be doing some planning with Local organizers for a HealthCampFlorida. Watch http://healthca.mp/calendar for the date of this event. It will be great to talk with people from various health plans about Innovation and member/consumer engagement. HealthCamps are focused on promoting engagement in health and seeks to involve people from across and outside health care - including patients. I continue to be excited by the transformation opportunities in health care. I am convinced that this will be driven by a convergence of web, mobile and social technologies and services. HealthCamps are at the nexus of this discussion. Generating ideas and stimulating action. If you are in Orlando from 3/16-3/18 cone and look me up. If you can't make that meet me in San Diego between 3/20 and 3/22. I will be at HealthCamp San Diego and the health 2.0 Spring Fling or meet me in New Haven, CT for HealthCampCT@Yale on 4/2/11. If you are an innovator talk to me about sponsoring HealthCamp. You will be glad you did.
Mark Scrimshire
B: http://ekive.blogspot.com
....Sent from my iPhone