Tuesday, June 07, 2011

DC Health Innovation Week - The press conference at #KPCTH

This week is DC Health Innovation Week. The Mayor of Washington DC proclaimed it as such. So here we are sitting in the mission orientation room at the Center For Total Health. Conversations are breaking out as people wait for the official announcement. 

The week of Innovation centers around The incredible Kaiser Permanente Center For Total Health and the activities that have been generated out of the office of the "Entrepreneur In Residence" at the Department of Health and Human Services - Todd Park. The HealthCare Blog had a great post from Todd today. Calling All Health Innovators: Health Data Palooza. The 2nd Annual Health Data Initiative Forum takes place at the National Institutes of Health on Thursday but it is preceded by two great events:

This evening starts the series of events with #TheWalkingGallery. Around 30 passionate Health Transformation Advocates will be wearing their change message on their backs. I will be among those wearing an amazing jacket that was created by @ReginaHolliday. Check out Regina's blog to see the wonderful change creations. 

On Wednesday we have HealthCa.mp/dc an incredible group of participants are gathering to explore the issue of "Vitality through Data." This ties in with the Health Data Initiatives that HHS is promoting through Open Health Data. 

On Saturday, June 11th, I will also be taking part in the Health 2.0 Code-a-Thon Developer Challenge at the Center For Total Health. This will be the first time I have had opportunity to take part directly in a Code-A-Thon. I am looking forward to it immensely.

There are plenty of other events happening during the week. In Clay Shirky's words - we will have a significant "Cognitive Surplus" circling the National Capital Area this week. Let's put it to great use, by making connections and creating new tools and services that use data to create vitality and promote patient/consumer/citizen engagement in health.

If you are around town come and say hi. I will be the one wearing this jacket:

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