I have been performing more experiments to see how a GooglePlus item can be distributed to other Social Media channels. To do this I have concentrated on using email.
Emails coming from GooglePlus have a format of:
"Your Name (Google+)" <noreply-{alphanumeric string}@plus.google.com
The alphanumeric string seems to be the same for all emails sent by a GooglePlus member.
My next step has been to go to posterous and add the GooglePlus email address that has been assigned to me to my Posterous account as a contributor.
Let's see if Posterous can receive the email and post it.
From: "Mark Scrimshire (Google+)" <noreply-xxxxxxxxxx@plus.google.com>
Date: July 13, 2011 11:02:23 PM EDTTo: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: This is another test to integrate GooglePlus...
This is another test to integrate GooglePlus with other Social Media Channels. Including a link to my last GooglePlus PostView or comment on Mark Scrimshire's post »HeathCa.mp Chief Instigator @ekivemark: My exploration around #GooglePlus. Interesting start but lots still to build. @Google don't make #GooglePlus an Island
My exploration around #GooglePlus. Interesting start but lots still to build. @Google don't make #GooglePlus an Island. I finally got an invite to GooglePlus. The question is now "Do I want y...The Google+ project is currently working out all the kinks with a small group of testers. If you're not able to access Google+, please check back again soon.Learn more about Google+
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