Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Baltimore Tech Breakfast - Presenting #RainbowButton Initiaitive

The regular Baltimore Tech Breakfast took place today at the Emerging Technology Center in Canton, Baltimore. The event is growing in popularity. A strong turnout today (Nov 30, 2011)

The show and tell session kicked off with Bullhorn (@bullhornmobile).  A free iPhone / Android App.

Allow people to ask and answer questions locally. 

The app was launched at the Baltimore Grand Prix. People downloading the app at the event were using it to ask questions relevant to the event. Like where is the best happy hour, where is the best view of the race.

The app can be branded. The team is looking at applications for Universities. e.g. Ask a question on campus.

Voting and Game Mechanics are being built in to the app for the next iteration (end of 2011).


PowerHouse Webcasting

- Live Web Casting (including video)
- Live Management tool (multiple producers)
- Archive/Synchronizer (sync audio and slides)

Impressive cross platform secure webcasting tool

This seems to bring together a number of tools:
- YouTube
- CoveritLive
- Slideshare/Slidecast
- Livestream/UStream

Aiming at corporate clients. 

- On demand (bandwidth based charging)
- Live (subscription - per user)
- Portal

Currently in private Alpha development.

- Consumers don't need to download any components/drivers. Content producers do need to download.

Q&A - How do we find talent?

- Local Tech Events
- Employee referrals (smart people tend to know smart people)
- Craigslist (cheap and a lot of techies seem to check out craigslist)
- Make yourself interesting by sharing a lot. The good people will find you.
- LinkedIn

"Development is a creative discipline rather than an engineering discipline - technologies come and go"

"The act of building improves the ability to build"

If you outsource overseas - eg. via odesk then be very specific in your request.
Have a series of related questions ready to ask that are relevant to your project. This helps to ensure the response is not just an automated response.

Develop a relationship. Test with short simple projects.

Posted via email from ekivemark: pre-blogspot