I am at the Baltimore Wordpress Meetup Group. The topic is Custom Post Type and Advanced Custom Fields.
Here is the intro for the session:
Create your own edit screens. Choose from multiple field types. Learn straightforward API functions for use in your themes. Attach custom fields to custom post types. Yay! CMS* made easy. (*CMS= Content Management System). Presenter: Marjorie Roswell
Standard Post Types:
- Posts
- Pages
- Media
- Revisions
- Navigation Menu Items
Custom Post types allow you to extend these basic post types to meet your own needs.
The Plug in can be found here: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/custom-post-type-ui/
Advanced Custom Fields:
This is a newer plugin. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/advanced-custom-fields/
Documentation can be found here: http://plugins.elliotcondon.com/advanced-custom-fields/documentation/
Create a field group before creating custom fields for the group. Otherwise they may not save.
Display custom fields:
- Custom Post Type Archives handles by theme's archive.php
- Override this for particular post type in archive-{post-type}.php
Two key entries from the API are used to build a print layout for the archive view. These are:
<?php get_field('{field name}') : ?>
<?php the-field('{field description}') : ?>