Friday, November 18, 2011

#RainbowButton at #Health2STAT Supporting @Todd_Park and team with Data Liberacion through Data Donation #patients20

Last night I headed down to Bethesda for the regular #Health2STAT event hosted by Aquilent and a group of fellow sponsors.

I was looking forward to hearing David Hale (@lostonroute66) talk about his personal history and the impact of personal genome testing on his life and a journey of discovery.

The evening had some great talks lined up and the theme of the evening for me became "Information is the best Rx for better health." Whether it is insights gained from an analysis of our personal genome, text messages that get us to think about a healthier lifestyle, or vide messages received when we leave the Emergency Department or hospital. Relevant, timely and personalized information can have a major positive impact on our health and on our recovery from an incident or health issue.

I was looking forward to a relaxing evening meeting the great friends in the DC/Baltimore Health Community. There are so many innovators and thought leaders and Health 2.0 STAT is a great, lively forum for us all to get together.

I arrived early and discovered that a number of presenters had dropped out, whether as a result of flight cancellations or other commitments. The host, Mike Tock asked me if I could step in and do an impromptu 5 minute presentation. Fortunately I had my laptop in the car and I had just gone through a series of updates to with my "partner in crime", Alan Viars (@aviars). So with about 20 minutes to prepare I put together a quick presentation before going on as the first presenter!

David Hale, a agent provocateur extraordinaire, caught me presenting:

Yes - I successfully managed to create a presentation and live demo in less than 20 minutes and then presented and performed the demo in five minutes. Using is really meant to be that simple you can upload and de-personalize your BlueButton file in a couple of minutes.

David also caught me creating the presentation at Health 2.0 STAT:

For those that couldn't be there here is the presentation. I have uploaded to Slideshare:

I am also experimenting with and sharing Keynote. So you can check out the presentation there too:

((tags: rainbowbutton, health2.0, bluebutton))

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