Sunday, September 01, 2013

It’s that time in the life of a Mac…

With a new version of Mac OS X due in the next couple of months it is time to help a friend upgrade their MacBook Pro with more Ram. Fortunately the old style Macs can be upgraded.

Upgrading from 4GB to 8GB is a quick, simple and cheap fix that takes a few minutes and a small Philips screwdriver.

With the New style MacBooks the memory is not upgradeable. So the best advice is to buy the model you want with the maximum amount of Ram and if the budget allows go for the largest Solid State Drive and finally the fastest processor.

If you cant afford the top of the line configuration when buying a new Mac balance your configuration this way: – Ram
- Disk
- Processor.

Your Mac will slow down if it is short on disk space for swapping. So more Ram helps to reduce the amount of swapping.

So sacrificing anything I would recommend sacrificing a few points on the CPU clock.

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