It’s Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 09:00AM
and time to bring you some Delicious #Health posts
- claims/ at master · ekivemark/claims February 11, 2015
In my work at CMS as Entrepreneur-in-Residence I am working on updating BlueButton to become a Data Service. This requires that the BlueButton file be enhanced to become a structured file (XML and JSON formats). My hope is that the payer community will contribute to this work so that we can have a common format. The current CCDA format as a clinical format d […]
- Direct Certificate Discovery RESTFul Webservice February 11, 2015
This is a great piece of work by Alan Viars. it provides code to help you validate a direct project email address.
- Anthem Was Right Not to Encrypt | The Health Care Blog February 9, 2015
A great post from Fred Trotter pointing out how the Mainstream media is focusing on the wrong issues in the wake of the Anthem hacking episode. When you are held up at gun point and your car keys are demanded then having a stronger, more secure car key is not going to help.
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