Cheryl Swirnow, CEO of Sherpaa.
85% Engagement
60% utilization in 12 month period
-6.5% Healthcare renewals
Sherpaa is an employer provided healthcare delivery solution.
It is an ALL online solution.
30% of contacts result in referrals. The Sherpaa doctors curate the care process.
People are comfortable with an email-like experience. Only 2% use phone calls. Video is not used.
Doctors: Acute medical care to everyday questions
Guides: Benefit consultants and healthcare advocates
Insights: Analytics
Business Model is employer-based Per Employee Per Month. $30/Employee/Month.
Sherpaa maintains a profile but Sherpaa is not trying to be an EMR. There is no connectivity with EMRs or hospitals.
50% of the working population will be millennials within a few years. The Millennial generation is entirely comfortable handling medical issues online.
Texas has put a block on Telehealth.
In the traditional system an average doctor visit is 7 minutes long.
Sherpaa allows patients to fill out details in their online request.
Notifications pull patients back to the platform when there is something to act on.
The interaction between Doctor and Patient invovles a back and forth through a series of questions and answers. This is asynchronous. Response time is 2 hours or less.
Every member gets an ID Card online.
[category News, BlueButton, Health]
[tag health, cloud, BlueButton, bigdata, opendata]
Mark Scrimshire
Health & Cloud Technology Consultant
Mark is available for challenging assignments at the intersection of Health and Technology using Big Data, Mobile and Cloud Technologies. If you need help to move, or create, your health applications in the cloud let’s talk.
email: mark
Stay up-to-date: Twitter @ekivemark
I am currently HHS Entrepreneur-in-Residence working on an assignment to update BlueButton for Medicare Beneficiaries.
The views expressed on this blog are my own.
I am also a Patient Engagement Advisor, CTO and Co-Founder to Medyear is a powerful free tool that helps you collect, organize and securely share health information, however you want. Manage your own health records today.
Medyear: Less Hassle, Better Care.
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