Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Heading to Columbus for Consumerism HealthCare Innovations Summit

On Monday I will be in Columbus, Ohio, for the Consumerism and HealthCare IT Innovations Summit. I am looking forward to meeting one of the Healthcare activists out there, Jody Dzuranin, aka @JodyNwellness on Twitter. I am sure we will have a discussion about putting a HealthCampOhio on the calendar.

I will be blogging and Tweeting at the event. I will try to remember to include the Summit's Hashtag in my Tweets. That hash is #CITIH . You can use to see all of those tweets as they are added throughout the day.

Jody has asked me if I can help her do a presentation on Twitter at lunchtime. Since I find Twitter to be such an invaluable tool I leapt at the opportunity to help out.

For those of you in HealthCare reading this blog post and thinking about dabbling with Twitter you need to look at Mark Hawker's recent posts on the Top 50 Health Care "Tweeple."

Twitter on it's own does nothing. Twitter is a vehicle for conversation. If you are not in conversation then Twitter does nothing for you. It is when you engage with others that Twitter becomes fascinating. So, click on a few of the people Mark Hawker points to and follow them. Then start joining in the conversation. Mark's two invaluable posts are:

I have already pointed Jody to a great presentation that was put together by PF Anderson. Back in the summer, thanks to Twitter, I had the opportunity to sit down with PF Anderson at the University of Michigan and enjoy a wide ranging conversation about Health Care, Social Media and Web 2.0. Twitter is great for empowering chance meetings of like minded people.

I also have done a small pitch on Tapping Twitter For Passion. Both presentations are on Slideshare and are included below.

PF Anderson's Presentation: Twitter and Microblogging for Public Health

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: twitter microblogging)

My Presentation on Tapping Twitter For Passion is here:

Tap Twitter For Passion
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: healthcampmd agilecoachcamp)

You can find lots of other views if you do a search at for Twitter.

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