A packed house for another action packed series of talks.
Dougla Naegele talking about mobile health in Africa Fascinating examples of ingenuity Nancy Shute of US News and world report. "Now the news is Oprah- checked" associated content editors spend two minutes checking a story.
What do we do about this? Heslthnewsreview.org doing some interesting health reporting 1. News orgx should explain how they report.
2. Develop reporting standards
3. Creat tools to make news more accessible Glenn Pearson talking about a lost person finder. A tool to help in the event of a major disaster. A tool tocollect and search people descriptions and pictures. A prototype demonstrated at CMAX09. It was put to a real test during the Haiti earthquake disaster. Miguel Gomez of AIDS.Gov talking about using new media for aids outreach. 80% of people come to aids.gov for basic info that they are not setup to do. they are adapting to meet this need. Fed employees don't understand how the US public use the Internet to find health info. They want peer to peer information from people like themselves. But they also want expert info. Social media is about repurposing content. Finally Ed Bennett and chip harman talking about web governance. How to do web stuff in large complex conservative organizations. They MADD a reference to Lisa Welchman's 10 management truths for the digital age. What does your web presence say -are you messed up? It was ok in the 20th century 1 your web is a manifestation of your organization
2. Bold leadership is vital from the top. Without it you magnify weaknesses to your competitors and customers
3. Decision making based oncexpertise not power. Get data to support your argument.
4. An inclusive business framework for both physical and digital presence.
5. Standards enable collaboration. Managed chaos spawns innovation
6. The web is an asset. Use it to create efficiencies and more revenue.
7. The organization owns the web presence. Not just marketing and communications or IT.
8. Management should embrace impermanence.
9. Know your customer. Own your mission.
10. Measure twice execute once.
Mark Scrimshire
B: http://ekive.blogspot.com
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