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Here is the session outline:
How Health Plans Use an Integrated Tailored Online
Strategy to Drive Engagement and Change Behavior for
Wellness and Care Management
Member engagement and motivation are key to wellness prevention and care management. This session will demonstrate how health plans can improve member health through the utilization of online health assessments, digital coaching, member health profiles, social networking and targeted messages. In this discussion you will also learn:
- How a health plan developed an integrated online strategy to increase
member engagement and produce outcomes - Integration of online components with wellness and care management
products and customer tailored solutions - Using solution analytic models to create savings and ROI on customer
tailored solutions
Cindy Bjorkquist, MS
Director of Wellness and Care Management Consulting
Categories of people online: Observer, Joiner, Gatherer, Commentator, Producer
BCBSMI wanted an integrated strategy.
BCBSMI: 4M members, $10B paid annually to providers, 100M inquiries annually from customers and providers, 30,000 providers and 150 hospitals.
Integrated Model: healthybluechoices.
Embrace total health: Providers are a key element. Incent them to get and keep members healthy.
Consultative tailoring process to match client to interactive strategy: Listen, Propose, Tailor, Deliver, Measure, Report.
Employers want soulutions: Customized and Personal.
100% engagement - not just the sick people.
Incentives - Prompt engagement - Leads to Behavior Change.
"Engage" Online Platform (partnership with Staywell Custom Communications)
- Personalized Platform
- Prioritized Digital Coaching Interventions
- Scalability
- Interventions that deliver results.
Personalized, even down to relevant images to match member profile.
Health Assessment is embedded in the portal.
Coaching interventions - Wellness and Chronic Conditions.
BCBSM gives employers Lost Productivity estimates.
Weight Loss Program Participants: 65% lost weight
Physician Qualification Process. Form taken to doctor to do labs. Doctor submits form to BCBSM and they load in to the portal. Physician gets the results of the labs. This also enhances the member physician relationship.
Healthy Blue Incentives: Higher copay and deductibles if non-compliant. On this plan 79-85% of plan members are compliant and receive the lower co-pays and deductible benefits.
The latest product is Healthy Blue Outcomes. A plan that rewards members for health outcomes.
Maximum ROI does not lead to maximum savings. Expanding to large penetration of engagement leads to lower ROI but higher Gross savings through increased engagement.
BCBSM has a social presence. 2FTEs blogging. Facebook and Twitter presence.