Tuesday, March 22, 2011

@health2con Better, Faster, Cheaper but we seem to have dropped Better.

The Wrap up from Health 2.0 Spring Fling.

Indu: How do we get to Better - How do we scale and achieve cost impacts. Stakeholders are starting to collaborate.
How do we match the people with the need to those with the solutions.
[Ed: That echos @DermDoc's comment about engaging the Docs in the Health 2.0 movement]

How do we leverage collective learning. How do we reduce redundancies.

Matthew: Worried about spending $30B and not moving the needle in Health IT. It will take a lot of effort to change primary care. Research realises that their world has been blown up. We need to get the core of HealthCare to realize the same thing.

[Ed: Consumerization of Health leveraging Web, Mobile and Social will transform HealthCare dramatically. Are you ready?]

Health Innovation Week September 17-27th, 2011 in San Francisco.

Donate to the Health 2.0 Relief Fund. Got to FirstGiving.com

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