How are We Going to Make a Difference?
Moderated by: Jane Sarasohn-Kahn Principal, Think-Health
For more than a day the discussion has been about how health care can be cheaper, how Health 2.0 can advance research, and what to do about our national (and international crisis) with lifestyle induced disease. In the final session, some key players will discuss their vision for the future of health care, and the role Health 2.0 will play.
- Lygeia Ricciardi Senior Advisor for Consumer e-Health, Office of the National Coordinator, HHS
- Margaret Laws Director, Innovations for the Underserved, California HealthCare Foundation
- Stephen Downs Assistant Vice President, Health Group, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- David Rosenman Assistant Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic
Liberty is to the collective body what Health is to the individual - Thomas Jefferson
Consumers are the most under utilized resource in the health care system. And they vote 3 times a day + snacks.
Great panelists for the final session.
No one is big enough to be independent of others. - Father of Mayo Founders
David Rosenman giving Kudos to Washington for their leadership in health reform
Lygeia: We are not just treating the physical body. We have to deal with the emotional side.
Margaret: How do we bring great entrepreneurs to Health Care. [Ed: it's what we call]
David: Organizations can't afford to be independent of others. The potholes are if organizations think they are big enough to act alone.
Lygeia: Health 2.0 is a movement
Margaret: Taking ideas to demonstration. Then Taking Ideas to Scale. We need to work on the latter. How do Foundations invest with synergy. How do we create a sustainable innovation ecosystem. Great ideas to market adoption.
Stephen: Improving health requires advocacy in other non-health areas. eg. housing standards.
Health Impact Assessments for big developments. RWJF popularizing the concept and developing guidelines and standards. Source data will be environmental and Observations of Daily Living - Not the Medical Record.
Now the final wrap up by Matthew and Indu