Tuesday, March 22, 2011

@health2con @todd Park to award the winner of the Developer challenge

More from the afternoon session of Health 2.0 Spring Fling.

The Health 2.0 Developer Challenge Showcase

Moderated by: Indu Subaiya, Co-Chairman and CEO, Health 2.0

See winners from both the online Health 2.0 Developer Challenge and the most recent Health 2.0 code-a-thons.

With speakers including:

And announcing the winners of the Challenge:

20 Challenges have created about 130 submissions from teams.

HHS is at the forefront of releasing data to change HealthCare. This is historic and inspiring. Part of the 10 year Healthy People 2020 vision.

Want to make data come alive at the community level.

Challenge was to move from paper-based to web-based approach. HealthyPeople.gov is live

@ToddPark as vibrant and energetic as ever!

And the winner for the MyHealthy People Challenge is....

3rd: IQ Solutions - MyHealthyPeople
2nd: HHN Public HealthLine

and the winner is...
1st: Healthy Communities Institute

Next Challenge: Provider Quality 

Hospital Quality Compare CGI: http://health.cgi.com/hhshospital/default.aspx

Next Challenge: Community Cancer Challenge

- Geographic Awareness of Cancer Tool
- OZIOM - locally relevant cancer information to african american communities.

Indu: The Developer Challenge is agnostic to who poses or participates in a challenge.

Microsoft - Windows Azure Datamarket. Challenge is getting interesting underlying data. Worked with Practice Fusion.
"Democratization of Data" - Healthcare is the least democratized data set.

De-identify the data and expose to developers to discover trends.

Team Epicenter was the winner that used 15,000 Practice Fusion records.

Epicenter helps find, analyze and address emerging Epidemics.

Kristi Miller from American Heart Association. Optimal Cardio-Vascular Health. Good Food Choice.

Winner: FoodSwapper.

Health-based Food Swaps to help you reach your goals.

Amy Romano - Childbirth Connection - Maternity Care Quality

Team BigYellowStar is the winner.

The team have already launched a site to look at water quality.

And now for the live Code-A-Thons...

3 Cities: Boston, SF and DC
300 Attendees
20 Teams
8 finalists come to the Health 2.0 Spring Fling: http://ekive.blogspot.com/2011/03/health2con-developer-challenge-code.html

Boston was first attempt at DIY devices in conjunction with O'Reilly and MAKE:

People's Choice Award:  Team Maya - Food Oasis Project addressing Food Deserts.

Runner Up: Team Free Health

Connecting people to free preventative services (as demanded under the Affordable Care Act)

And the Winner is.... Team Triangle

Using the Microsoft Xbox Kinect to diagnose abnormal motion problems.

This is an amazing use of consumer technology to solve a real and widespread problem.

There are still existing challenges running:
- Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health. Go Viral
- Engage With Grace.

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