Today I am in Washington DC as a guest of Kaiser Permanente. The event is the grand opening of the Center for Total Health at 700 2nd St, NW.
The center has been designed as a place for health conversations. It will be a perfect location for on 6.8.11. With high speed wireless access, telepresence and plenty of places to meet and talk this is a great venue for conversations and connections to further healthier living. Check out the web site at:
Kaiser Permanente has, and is, a great sponsor of HealthCamp. Why? Because our objectives are aligned. There is a deep passion to help people achieve healthier and more rewarding lives. HealthCamp wants get patients and consumers the tools to help them manage their own health. That is not just a question of tools and technology but also education and awareness about food, nutrition and exercise. Real Health Care reform demands that we equip ourselves with the knowledge to eat healthier and understand our bodies and the tools to measure our health. The days of being measured once a year by the doctor have to be over. Health is a partnership - a team sport - a social activity.
Today should be a fascinating experience. So watch out for a stream of tweets and blog posts.
I am going to capture the tweet stream (the hashtag is #kpcth) using CoverItLive.