Connected Health: 360-Degrees of mHealth
THINK-Healthmore...Connected Health: 360-Degrees of mHealth: Jane will introduce the panel by providing a vision of and rationale for Connected Health among stakeholders in communities. Three stakeholders will offer their perspectives: Brett Shamosh, CEO and Founder of WellApps, an engaged patient; Dr. Joseph Kim, a physician and expert on mobile apps for clinicians; and, Sandra Elliot, Director-Consumer Technology and Service Development at Meridian Health in New Jersey. Together, the panelists will demonstrate the value of connecting health stakeholders through mobile and infrastructure-independent platforms beyond their individual "apps." In health, 1+1+1 > 3!Medical Communications Media, Incmore...Dr. Kim is a physician executive, entrepreneur, and technologist who has a passion for health information technology, medical education, and public health.Meridian Healthmore...As Corporate Director of Consumer Technology and Service Development, Sandra develops new technology-based health service and business ventures to meet the health and wellness needs of consumers.WellAppsmore...Co-founder and CEO of WellApps(R), and empowered patient, Brett developed a symptom tracking iPhone application to provide better data to his doctor and learn more about his symptoms, medications, and diet.
Health is a state of complete physical and mental and spiritual well being and not just the absence of illness.
Health is not just in the doctor's office.
63% of world's deaths due to chronic disease.
75% of $2.2T health costs are due to chronic conditions.
Brett Shamosh
Accurate subjective data can change outcomes.
"The Dumbest Body is smarter than the Smartest Doctor".
Joseph Kim
Believe it or not the Apple Newton had a Clinical Decision Support app.
After the Newton came the Palm Pilot.
Now this role is taken by the smartphone.
Telemedicine is now bridging the care gap. Smartphones can send pictures and video that can help with remote diagnosis.
Handyscope is an iphone attachment that can be used to take microscope picture of skin lesions for remote analysis.
iTriage uses built in GPS to provide navigation to nearby care centers.
ER's are now starting to publish wait times that are accessible remotely.
Mobile Medical Education:
- Epocrates Mobile by RealCME
- ReachMD
- QuantiaMD
- Medpage Today
- Medscape
Sandra Elliott
- Low cost
- Easy to integrate in patients life
- Not looking medical
Fascinating credit card sized devices with Near Field Communications.
Co-Pay Strategy is more acceptable. Build to price at same level as co-pay. An easier sell.
iMPak Home Care Cards.
Develop credit card sized devices that solve different issues.
Use these tools to enable self monitoring and post discharge assessment.
Solutions need to be scalable.
Interoperability is critical.
KISS redefined: Keep It Simple Start Small.