Patient Marketing, Digital Marketing US Oncology, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Engaging Patients from Day 1: Using insights to design a better patient experience: The traditional DTC/DTP model assumes awareness leads to action. In this session Vlad will challenge the model and introduce new concepts and strategies designed to generate acceptance. Find out how one brand combined customer insights with the psychosocial process of generating acceptance to engage patients from Day 1 and deliver a more targeted online experience.
Awareness does not lead to effective action.
Acceptance is not a single event. It is a psychosocial process.
Good to see Pharma break the mould and use a non-traditional agency that understood patients.
If you can't personalize how can you measure effectiveness.
Measure acceptance through engagement - this can be done while preserving anonymity.
Go past regular web analytics. Paths through the site indicate engagement.
How did they find you:
56% organic search
17% paid search
17% direct
6% Referrals/Other
4% Health Care Professional site referrals
Organic search indicates trust.
What do people want:
- Reimbursement information
- Checklists
- Other Patients voices
Seamless user experience leads to engagement leads to acceptance
1. Creating engagement begins on day 1
2. Acceptance generation to drive action
3. use customer insights to drive tactics and experiences
4. Execute actions across platforms
5. Use an Agency that is vested and passionate about patients.