Monday, September 19, 2011

#sxsh @KentBottles closing out the day. with a great Doctor's viewpoint

Kent Bottles MD talking about Patient Advocacy and Physician use of Social Media.

Social Media for Doctors don't quite get Social Media right. Social Media is not a community for a campaign. It is an organic community that has persistency.

Social Media is just one tool of many. It can be used to leverage public interest and opinion. It can be used to listen.

Social Media like PatientsLike Me has 42% click through rates to online pre-screeners. That is 3 times the email rate.

"Twitter is my research department"

We can use Social Media to improve office visits.

The Doctor-Patient relationship is really important - but it can be improved.

People diagnosed with cancer remember 50% of what they are told. And get 50% of what they remember wrong.

Doctors talk 4 times as much as patients in an encounter.
This is what sets out to solve. Kent is involved with

Patients can listen to audio dialogues of other patients with similar diagnoses talking with their doctor. It allows people to understand what questions to ask.

Why not record your conversation with your doctor?
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is also pursuing the Open Notes project.

This is all a move towards greater transparency.

Why are Doctors reluctant to engage in change. Reframe Doctor anger - It is vulnerability - they are scared. They are not good at saying they don't know and asking for help..

The Patient owns (or should own) their Medical Record.
It can take a year to become productive on EPIC. We have to improve usability.
Physicians are frustrated too.

The average Diabetic spends 8,800 hrs/year on self care. They spend 3 hours with their doctor.

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