Friday, October 14, 2011

#ITrans Standards and Interoperability - Common solutions to shared problems.

Transitions of Care and interoperability.

Doug Fridsma - Direcotr of ONC Office of Standards and Interoperability.

Take the test, grade the test, pass the test.

Give people the credit for passing the test.

Curate a set of building blocks

Enforce the rules and celebrate when people follow the rules.

Jitin Asnaani - Coordinator of the ONC S&I Framework

Care Transitions are complex and hard.

- Infrastructure 
- Standards

- Clinical Outcomes
- Financial incentives

- Data
- Technology
- Processand Workflow

- Timelines

What if every care transition included a core set of high quality clinical data
Three issues:

- Not accessible to the clinicians (clinically based definitions of the data)
- Multiple standards used
- Insufficient tools to implement the standards effectively.

Holly Miller - MD, Med Allies

What if the Patient's PCP is notified of a patient admission to hospital - before the patient leaves the hospital.

The Patient  is copied on each transaction

Keep the patient at the center (or their delegate)

Push data to end users in the systems they use normally.

No data overload is also an important factor to be considered.

Jitin Asnaani - Coordinator of the ONC S&I Framework

For 1st time there is a single broadly supported standard for electronic exchange of patient care transitions. (Consolidated CDA)

So far 10 HIT Vendors and HIE Organizations committed to refine implementation through 4 pilots.

1-2 pilots will demonstrate consolidated CDA in conjunctions with Direct Project transport specifications. Makes it possible for little guy to cost-effectively exchange standardized care transition information.

S& I Framework Wiki:

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