Thursday, April 02, 2009

Web 2.0 Expo - Day Two

Tim O'Reilly preached to the attending masses at Web 2.0 Expo yesterday. The message in a tweet size bite was: The web is growing up. The next wave is the combining of sensor data.

This view fits with my own thinking around Health Care. There is a massive opportunity for us to change Health Care with an imminent wave of commodity health monitoring devices. A taste of this was given to us by Apple at their iPhone OS 3.0 launch. Health monitoring devices can be connected to the iPhone and from their data can be distributed and combined. The logical storage point for this wave of health data is our Personal Health Record.

This was one of the themes at the packed HealthCamp - A Call to Action Birds of a Feather session that took place last night (April 1st).

Today, Thursday April 2nd, looks set to be another jam packed day. The Web2Open un-conference track is once agin proving to be the place to be. A place where the most engaging conversations are taking place. I was lucky enough yesterday to take part in Jay Parkinson's talk about his work with HelloHealth. That session then blended in to a discussion I had tabled as part of HealthCampSf: "Personal Health Records - The centre of innovation in Health Care?"

Those conversations continued at the Birds of a Feather Session last night. It was great to meet a crowd of people who are passionate about Health Care. The discussions confirmed that the challenges we face are complex and wide ranging. They also demonstrate that there are many sources of good ideas that can contribute to solving these challenges.

The key notes were led off by Douglas Rushkoff, Author of "Get Back in the Box""

"Your most enthusiastic customer is a fledgling employee"

Local Currencies can be created through earned value rather than lent value.

Nokia: Anssi Vanjoki - The Next Transformation:

In the 1990's A paradigm change occurred: a phone number refers to a person - not a location.

The same is now happening on the Web: Everything refers to a person and context.

The mobile phone is morphing in to a mobile computer. Nokia has 1.3B of a 4B handset market.

Nokia bought NavTech for $8B. It is the bases of a database that gives every object coordinates.

Ellen Miller - Sunlight Foundation:

Focused on Government and providing visibility for citizens.

Open Government data Principles

To be useful data must be consumable.

Kevin Lynch - Adobe

Demonstrating Flash Catalyst (beta) You can import an illustration and convert the drawing in to an application by defining components.

Impressive Flash Catalyst beta demo.

Will Wright - Creator of Spore.

100M user generated assets in the game.

New group of game players want something more personal. It becomes a tool of self expression.

Spore has an API that allows the game players and/or developers to access the database of content and build new applications. Spore is a platform with data as the valuable core.

DRM created a backlash. There is a patch to remove DRM from the game.

Will Wright points out that on the web we are the centre of our social web.

This comment got me thinking about Health Care. The Health Care Industry is still so set back in outdated views. The industry doesn't put the consumer/patient at the center. We think out members/consumer/patients as populations and groups. We don't view from their perspective. With the complexity of Health Care we will not solve the challenges until we do really put the consumer - as an individual - at the very centre of the view of Health Care.

The Wii represents the best of NON-immersive gaming. Most of the entertainment is happening off the screen in the social group around you.

The Spore and Sims platforms are increasingly being driven by the players. The initial game is there to spark a core community. Then you listen to the community and evolve the platform to meet their needs and wants.

Gaming as re-education tool? Young kids in gaming experiment and build hypothesis. This makes them general problem solvers. Play and Story Telling both are educational tools.

Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.

The issue is motiviation. Motivate and then get out of the way.

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