Wednesday, June 09, 2010

#health2con - Aneesh Chopra's Keynote

Real time notes from #Health2con - Health 2.0 goes to Washington

Culture Gap between Consumers and Government.

Apple - There's an App for that
Federal Government - There's a Form for that

The President's Strategy for American Innovation - A long term platform for growth and jobs

Invest in building blocks of American Innovation Cloud computing and Mobile

Promote Competitive Markets that spur productive entrepreneurship

Catalyze Breakthroughs for National Priorities.

Infrastructure:- National Broadband plan
- Beta Block R&D Initiative to connect neighbors. Deliver 1GB to the poorest homes. Case Western University.
How would this impact - Energy Sustainability, Graduation rates, Chronic disease and Safety?

Wireless Health App.
- Text4baby campaign. Now approaching 50,000 subscribers since February (Voxiva application)

Text BABY to 511411. No charge for SMS messages for 2 years

Commercialize University Research and Spinoff Health IT.
Commerce Dept i6 Challenge to find next University-Based Startup.
Proposals due June 15th and Winners announced September 30th.

New OMB guidance to enable departments use rewards to stimulate change.

USDA inspiring games developers to promote games for better health for kids.

Open Collaborations to catalyze breakthroughs in Applicaitons and data Exchange.
- NHIN Direct Project. - A set of policies, standards and basic web services for the safe transmission of health information.

- SHARP Grantee - SMArt Apps - A health App to support substitutable apps. - Aligned with Modular certification for "Meaningful use"

Open Government Ecosystem. launches with CHDI.

Every Federal Department has detailed their commitment to openness and transparency. Go to Dept/Open eg. has released Hospital Quality Satisfaction Data from Government Hospital Comparison Data.

Health 2.0 and the Health 2.0 Accelerator have established the

June 2nd through October 3rd - 10th 2010. A developer challenge. Code-a-thon, and team competitions to build applications to improve personal and community health.

Use newly opened government data sets + lightweight tools.

Annesh also introduced an $80M competition: VAi2 Industry Innovation Competition to spur Game Changers.

Patient preferred dialysis
e.g applying for Hearing Aid takes 160 days.
Looking for Private Sector ideas to contribute to 10,000 ideas already proposed by VA Employees to improve services to Veterans.

DARPA Network Challenge for 40th anniversary of the Internet

The DARPA Red balloon challenge.
In 2 days MIT put together 5,000 team members via Social Media.It took 9 hours to find the 10 balloons.

The team took this via the UN to e-Democracy to address hunger.

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