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Here is the session outline:
Lifestyle and technological changes are creating the expectation and demand for instant access to information from anywhere in the world. In this changing environment, it's important for health plans to be able to provide members with online services that delivers intelligent decision support in finding a provider. The question becomes less about should health plans provide this level of access, but more about how can we deliver these services via online & mobile channels in such a way that is intuitive and reduces costs while increasing member satisfaction and health plan loyalty. In this strategy and case study, participants will:
- Clarify what today's membership needs are in a web 3.0/mobile connected
world - Examine performance metrics and usage behavior of finding a provider
anywhere-type services - Explore improvements in customer loyalty
Eskander Matta
Vice President Business Transformation & eBusiness
Find a Provider Redesign
Online banking and retail sites are leading consumer expectations for delivery of secure sensitive data online.
Users expect to access information quickly and easily
- Real time access
- Available and easy to understand
- Comprehensive
- Intuitive design
The term "Provider" is hotly debated inside the company. Should it be "Doctor" or "Physician"? Provider is an insider term. Cigna doesn't use the term provider.
Physician Finder is the most heavily used application on Health Plan sites.
137,000 visits per month. 3 Million searches per year.
29% of members surveyed rated the feature as Poor - citing navigation and search as primary pain points. Despite the poor results the competitive analysis put the feature as a leader in functionality. ie. Do a lot but hard to use.
In revamping the Find a Provider feature they aimed for:
- Easier and faster searches
- Redesign format in a concise space above fold
- Provide more guidance for visitors
- Make data on doctor profiles easier to find.
Agile development methodology used to deliver incremental product features and enhancements.
Lessons Learned:
- Look outside the industry
- More features doesn't necessarily mean better experience
- Ongoing customer research
- User Centered Design
- Agile development results in faster, better, cheaper results.