Tuesday, September 20, 2011

#epatcon @julian_bond of Detroit Med Center talking Social Media

Social Media/Marketing Manager, Detroit Medical Center
Putting the MED in Social MEDia: Going beyond the usual face-to-face doctor’s office chats and traditional hospital marketing methods, the world of social media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc) has opened the doors to new ways of communication in the health community. So with more and more people using this new technology, a good number of health/hospital systems have caught on to it and as a result have started to put the "MED" in the social media movement. This session will explore the various (and often fun) ways that the Detroit Medical Center (DMC) hospital system has used the medium to reach patients, connect medical staff, and help boost employee morale.

Making Medical Education Fun and Interesting.

The Team walk arounf the Medical Center in bright orange Social Media T-Shirts. Corny but gets people talking and interacting.

9/09/09 Baby Race. 

Live Tweeted a surgery

Employee Morale Booster - Do The ICU-2

To promote hand washing and sanitizing. A rap and contests tied to it.

- Didn't want cheesy corporate video. Instead focused on Patient Story. Focused on rehabilitation program for disabled patient. Recorded the story via FlipCam. Patient Stories connect. The story went viral.

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