Monday, September 26, 2011

#health20 #Employers20 introduced by @Keas

The Employers 2.0 session at the Health 2.0 Conference:

Employers, Payers and the Great Health 2.0 Awakening

GRAND B (Main Ballroom)

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Employers and insurers have been the sleeping giants of health care. But now they are increasingly active in guiding people they cover in wellness programs and in collaborating on the infrastructure for new delivery models. How are they using Health 2.0 as part of their awakening?



  • Louis Burns, CEO, Care Innovations
  • Giovanni Colella, Co-Founder & CEO, Castlight Health. 
  • Jim Hansen, Vice President & Executive Director, Dossia
    & via video from the Benefits Forums & Expo in Dallas:
  • Jen Benz, Chief Strategists & Founder, Benz Communications, with
  • Sally Luck, HR Director, Hallmark Cards


  • Aetna
  • Care Innovations
  • Castlight Health
  • Dossia
Mark Bertolini - @mtbert

$400M per year of application development.

Using Applications to bring affordability.

AETNA looking to give employers direct access and registration in 48hours. instead of 3 months via brokers. Sucks to be a broker.....

Consumer platform launching in spring 2012 to allow real time access to book appointments etc. This will be mobile.

SDK being developed to allow developers to integrate in to the platform.

Demonstration of iNexx platform from Medicity

The Cardio Referral app that was developed and given away to 5 doctors in Michigan has gone viral - now 250 doctors using it.
Why do it for free? Because it reduces operating costs and improves patient satisfaction.

Consumers only interact when something is wrong. 

A technology savvy Health Care CEO - A shame that this is still a surprise in HealthCare

Louis Burns
Care Innovations, a GE and Intel joint venture. Told the joint venture to "Drive the bus like you stole it!"
Simple solutions - it doesn't have to be sexy or flashy
Great simple tablet application with audio, video and image  support. 

very focused on putting tools in people's hands

Jim Hansen
Dossia - reset and set about building a health engagement platform that built on 360 degree health platform (PHR). 

People want tools to solve problems. They don't want a PHR.

Dossia Health Manager.

Link profiles so you can manage a family.
Integration from FitBit (
Pull data from Health Records.

Building an App marketplace that uses the Dossia platform and data.

Adding challenges and gamification. 

You can connect with people who are not on the platform.
When will Dossia open doors to non-employer base. Like when Facebook graduated from college.

10 Employers using Dossia. 
Achieving 50% adoption levels in repeated use.

Giovanni Colella

Working with several employers.

Some insurers have non-price transparency as a competitive advantage - this has to be a losing strategy. Information wants to be free. The power of the consumer and social networks will increase the liquidity of information.

Castlight provides employers and employees with access to cost and quality data.

Jim Benz and Sally Luck

HR folks are busy but now employees need to be more involved in their health care.

George Halvorson

HealthCare business model is setup to create what we have. We get paid for actions not outcomes.

When you pay for the piece not the package there is no incentive to reengineer. This is the silver bullet in Accountable Care Act. Paying for outcomes and bundling payments for outcomes.

KP cuts the number of broken bones in half for seniors but two thirds of actions they take have no fee schedule in Blues Plans 

Docs didn't want this publicized because other docs might be hostile.

KP had 125 accounting systems. each new site development would pick best of breed.

Kaiser reengineered in a collaborative approach. You can see that with initiatives like the great Innovation center where we held HealthCampSFBay on September 23rd.

Kaiser Permanente won awards for being the top 4 plans providing Medicare plans.

30M e-visits last year

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