An interesting panel on User-Generated Health.
User-Generated Health: From Intelligent Communities to Self-Tracking, and the Quest for Personalized Health Platforms
GRAND B (Main Ballroom)
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Communities are evolving from simple support mechanisms to becoming personalized platforms for disease management, behavior change and data analytics. We’ll take a look at the themes of peer and professional support, self-tracking, information sharing and delivery, competition, real-time data streams, and carrot vs. stick – and see the Health 2.0 tools and unplatforms that are driving consumer engagement and testing leading behavior change models to make the greatest real-world impact.
- Thomas Goetz, Executive Editor, Wired Magazine
- Gary Wolf, Co-Founder, Quantified Self
- Aza Raskin, Co-founder, Massive Health
- Jordan Goldberg, CEO, stickK
- Ron Gutman, Founder and CEO, HealthTap
- David Metzler, Founder and CEO, OneRecovery
- Stead Burwell, CEO, Alliance Health Networks
- Khaled Hassounah, Chief Technology Officer, MedHelp
Indu Subaiya introduces the panel.
Gary Wolfe -
Quantified Self is a frame to explain what is happening. Self monitoring takes place by individuals for individuals.
We are used to using words to tell how we are doing. There is a big cultural change to use data to express themselves. e.g. Nike Plus graphs.
Thomas Goetz -
When something is externalized it makes more impact. Community is an effective way to drive change. People want to fit in.
Aza Raskin -
People who most need help often get the worst service.
Feedback loops need to have an emotional connection
Catch people at the right time and nudge them in the right direction. That is how Google made Billions.
Alliance Health Networks - Diabetic Connect
Launched in 2008 in conjunction with Diabetes Mine (Amy Tenderich)
Enhanced user profiles and added another 40 sites focused around other conditions. Consumers love social features. They want to connect. They like personalization and virtual gifts.
what was interesting was the use of to demonstrate new features. This is a cloud based wireframe and prototype service.
MedHelp -
Demo showing data relevant to pregnancy. The key thing is personalized feedback. Data matched with my
85% of users make data public to the community.
HealthTap launched today.
Also announcing iphone app.
Brings a network of physicians providing advice and virtual practices.
Online community helping people recovering from addiction.
A persons emotional state is the best indicator of a potential relapse in to addiction. Bring together peers and professionals to support people with addiction.
Their platform and game mechanics yields a 67% improvement measured by reduction in readmissions.
90% of the support comes from the community.
StickK Set and achieve your goals.
Health and wellness goals are 75-80% of goals.
Set the goal. Set the stakes. You can set a wager to a charity you don't like. Added incentive to meet your goal. If you fail you fund a charity you don't like.
Integrating with Worksmart apps and withings to get data feeds.
Support network watches over you.
This seems very like HealthMpnth from habitlabs.
They have a white label version that can support health and wellness goals. Good for companies to drive change of behaviors.