Tuesday, December 06, 2011

#MHS11 day 2 starts with discussion groups: EHR and mHealth

This is a live blog post from the mHealth Summit. The summit is taking place from December 5-7th at the Gaylord National Convention Center, National Harbor, MD.
This is a live blog post, as such the notes are made in real time and posted with minimal editing. I am sharing these via Facebook, Twitter and my blog to help others get a snapshot of the activities at the conference. You can follow the tweet stream at #MHS11 or follow the mHealth Summit's twitter account @mhealthsummit.
This is the start of day 2. I am attending one of the discussion groups ( http://www.mhealthsummit.org/program_morning.php ):
EHR and MHealth
Moderator: Abdul Shaikh, NCI
There are about 35 people with a diverse background attended this session.
We have the following representation:
- National Institutes of Health
- National Cancer Institute
- Consultants
- Academia
- Integrated Health Systems
- Software companies
- Mobile Startup companies
- Device Manufacturers
- Consultants
- NGOs
- Social Media
- Digital Agencies
- Physicians
- eHealth Government Initiative
- Europe
- Africa
- North America 
Fascinating discussion that touched on #RainbowButton initiative and Rainbowbutton.com and use of BlueButton data.
We need to be able to convert BlueButton data to a structured format for interoperability.
We need to capture Observations of Daily Living including patient preferences. These are not currently included in EHRs
Look at ONC and FDA for guidance on security guidance.
Who is doing anything on security toolkits for phones: Good and Better are two companies.
At a chip set level there are AES Encryption tools for phones. For transmission HTTPS is widely used for banking.
We should get government to declare our health data as an organ that we can donate upon our death. This just requires a redefinition of the scope of the organ donation clause when people apply for or renew their drivers license.
DirectProject.org got a shout out because people want to know how to move data between EMRs
GreenCDA - Simplified format for expressing data in CCR or C32. Progressing through standards process.
HDATA - Standard for transfer - RESTful. 

((tag: mHealth, mHealth Summit, Mobile))