More from Digital Health Innovation in Context: 2015
Stephen DeAngelis – CEO / Co-Founder Enterra Solutions
Enterra’s platform ingests:
– unstructured data.
– Corporate Information (rules, logic and best practice)
A lot of logic is learned by machine.
Then use AI, Semantic Reasoning and Advanced Math calculations.
Enterra: Sense -> Think – > Act -> Learn
Learning creates observed results that lead to refinement of rules.
This automates the functions of Statistical expert and Data Programmer and makes them available to the Business Domain Expert.
Enterra has been applied to Healthcare to look at how clinical and drug pathways affect cost. The target was hypertension.
- Create Hypotheses
- Identify subsets of data
- Use Representational Learning Machine to develop models.
RLM identified outcome impacts:
- Comorbidity
- Provider
- Drug Treatment Pathways
Global Manufacturing Supply Chain Management Platform:
System of Connectivity -> System of Insight -> System of Record (Corporate Value Chain and Digital Path to Purchase)
Cognitive Computing is ill-defined. IBM is probably the most well known solution in the space. Watson is a large search and analytics engine.
Enterra brings inference engines. (Non-brittle Ontologies) that connect to math engines.
[category News, BlueButton, Health]
[tag health, cloud, BlueButton, bigdata, opendata]
Mark Scrimshire
Health & Cloud Technology Consultant
Mark is available for challenging assignments at the intersection of Health and Technology using Big Data, Mobile and Cloud Technologies. If you need help to move, or create, your health applications in the cloud let’s talk.
email: mark
Stay up-to-date: Twitter @ekivemark
I am currently HHS Entrepreneur-in-Residence working on an assignment to update BlueButton for Medicare Beneficiaries.
The views expressed on this blog are my own.
I am also a Patient Engagement Advisor, CTO and Co-Founder to Medyear is a powerful free tool that helps you collect, organize and securely share health information, however you want. Manage your own health records today.
Medyear: Less Hassle, Better Care.
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